Organics Alive V-N Slow Release Granular is designed for plants in the propagation through vegetative stages of growth. It has a macronutrients value of 5-2-2 (N-P-K) N (Nitrogen) P (Phosphorus) K (Potassium) which is designed for plants that like a high source of nitrogen.
Organics Alive Granular fertilizers are slow release (SRF). The granular size is 3mm to 6mm. Its uniformity, particle size, surface area, and nutrient distribution are in the excellent range and very consistent. Organics Alive granular uses high quality healing clay as a binder. There are no chemicals, polymers, or synthetic binders in our granular pellets.
- Propagation - transplant: 2-4 grams per plant root zone.
- Large established plants: 4-6 grams per plant root zone.
- For plants already planted: top dress 4 grams around the drip line of the plant.
- Ensure that moisture will reach the granular pellets.
- 15-80 lbs per acre depending on crop and soil analysis.